What is BitTorrent files or torrents??
Is a system to distribute the files system to control the sending and receiving TCP IP is simply the fastest mode of P2P file-sharing programs much.
- Theory of operation:
Let us take a simple example to explain more:
When the 4 friends involved in the 5 Questions Every one will get 5 questions from each friend, and eventually will each friend got the full 20 questions .. ((This is the theory about the work of these files))So, it is too, we find that the main goal of Torrent files reduce the load on the server, which parses the file and transfer to be faster when the distribution, allowing Torrent files exchange of data between participants to a single file and there is certainly a central server the largest coordinate action and exchange between all of these isotopes and distributors, which is coordinate the exchange of links only, ie, he does not know the content of the file. Some say that the torrent files and programs take full legitimacy to download files such as http or Ftp links contrast with the P2P programs that the search terms in the first would be through large sites and servers and the second search is limited to programs and users of subscribers only.
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