The Best Of the Best: How Can I Promote My Website For Free – Top 10 Way...

The Best Of the Best: How Can I Promote My Website For Free – Top 10 Way...: " How Can I Promote My Website For Free – Top 10 Ways There are 1000s of dead websites on t..."

How Can I Promote My Website For Free – Top 10 Ways

         How Can I Promote My Website For Free – Top 10 Ways

There are 1000s of dead websites on the Net because they’ve been abandoned due to lack of web traffic. If you don’t attract visitors to your website it will join the pile of dead ones. You’ve probably heard the saying “build it and they will come.” Building a website and placing it on the net will not generate traffic. You need to promote your website using a variety of methods. Since many website owners can’t afford paid advertising they often ask “How can I promote my website for free”? Free ways can be as effective as paid ones. You simply trade your time for money.
Top 10 ways to promote your website for free

Search engine optimization
If your website appears on the first page of any of the search engines it will get a lot of free traffic. To achieve this you first need to optimize your website.
1. Keyword research
Use free keyword research tools such as Wordtracker or the Google Keyword Research tool to find keywords people would use to find your site on the search engines.
2. Weave the keywords throughout your website
Include these keywords in your meta tags, headings, subheadings, page content, links, navigation, image and file descriptions. Only use one or 2 keywords per page in your web copy. Reserve the other keywords for optimizing other pages of your website.
Link Building
Search engines rank websites according to the quality and quantity of the links pointing to your site. So if you want to increase the ranking of a web page work on building lots of links to it.
3. Article marketing
Write 400 word articles that target the keywords on your web page. Include these keywords in the title, content and resource box of your article. Make sure your resource box includes 2 links to your web page. One link should be the full URL of your web page, the other link should be the main keyword phrase linked to the web page you want high rankings for. Submit the article to the top article directories such as Website owners and ezine publishers often visit these directories to find articles they can publish on their website, blog, ezine or newsletter.
4. Directories
Research local and specialized directories related to your niche that allow a link to be placed on their website. Some will be free, while others will require a reciprocal link or payment. You can find some specialized directories by entering “keyword+directory” in the the Google search box.
5. Related blogs
Search for blogs ( related to your niche then submit comments to their posts. Insert your website address at the end of your comment. Don’t just say something like “nice article” as it will probably get deleted by the site owner. Try to answer a question or create a well written response. Other commenters will read it and may get inspired to visit your own site.
6. Forums
Search for forums ( related to your niche and participate in conversations by offering valuable insights to other forum members. Make sure you include a link back to your website at the end of your comment.
Social Media
People love to interact with others on the Net. By interacting with visitors on your website/blog, Twitter or Facebook you build relationships. These people will be more inclined to purchase products and read information you recommend to them. Social media will help promote your website by boosting rankings, generating traffic and building links.
7. Add a blog
Blogs are a great way to interact with your visitors. They can subscribe to your RSS feeds, newsletter, or leave comments. WordPress is one of the most popular platforms for building a blog. It automatically alerts the search engines every time you post new content.
Create a stand-alone blog or add one to your current website. Make a plan to add new content on a regular basis. Types of content may include articles, news, reviews, contests, etc.
8. Social networking
This enables you to interact with people related to your business. Through these interactions you become part of an online community that shares the same interests. Create accounts on Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn then invite people to join your community through these social networking properties. Be sure to include your website URL in your profile on each of these sites . It will generate a quality backlinks to your own site. Search engines frequently spider social networking sites to search for links containing new information.
9. Social bookmarking
Visitors will bookmark your website or save it to their Favorites list when you offer good content. It boosts your search engine rankings and helps build critical backlinks. Insert a bookmarking icon on your website (e.g. ) to make it easy for visitors to bookmark your content. Here are 3 popular social bookmarking websites:
10. Video marketing
Videos are effective because you can watch, read and listen at the same time thus it appeals to a wide audience. This is in contrast to text which just appeals to one segment of your subscribers. A good video captivates your audience better than written content. Create a simple video then upload it to multiple video sharing sites with TubeMogul.
Get more ways to promote your website for free by claiming your copy of
101 Highly Effective Strategies to Promote Your Web Site

Where is d-pryde from?

Background information
Birth name Russell Gilbert Llantino
Also known as D-Prizzy, Prizzy, Dukke, Dukke Wonder
Born October 13, 1993 (1993-10-13) (age 17)
Mississauga, Ontario, Canada
Genres Canadian Hip hop, R&B
Occupations Rapper, YouTuber
Instruments Vocals
Years active 2005–present
Labels Mars Music Group
Associated acts Traphik, August Rigo, Erika David, J.Reyez, Lil Crazed

Russell Gilbert Llantino (born October 13, 1993), better known by his stage name D-Pryde, is a Canadian rapper & occasional R&B singer. He was born in Mississauga, Ontario but was raised in Brampton, Ontario. Llantino signed recording and developmental contract with Power 105.1 radio stations's on-air personality, DJ Suss.One and his label Mars Music Group in late 2010 after being discovered on video-sharing website YouTube. Llantino was enrolled at Notre Dame Catholic Secondary School before dropping out after his signing to Mars Music Group. He is currently completing his high school education through a home schooling program.

افضل موقع تبادل زيارات ، مجرب شخصيا ، أكثر من 200 زيارة يوميا

افضل موقع تبادل زيارات : مجرب شخصيا
أكثر من 200 زيارة يوميا
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله تعالى وبركاته                                                      


الجميع يعلم مدى اهميه الزيارات للموقع

وكم هي تبدل الحال والترتيب في اليكسا وتكسب محركات البحث الثقه في موقعك وغيره من الفوائد

ونجد بعض مواقع تبادلات الزيارات التي لانشاط فيها

الان اقدم لكم موقع لتبادل الزيارات ومجرب مني شخصيا وفعال ونشيط 

حيث أني في يوم واحد حصلت على أكثر من 200 زيارة

والله على ما أقول شهيد

هذا رابط الموقع


بالتوفيق إن شاء الله

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How to Choose an Auto Insurance Company

How to Choose an Auto Insurance Company

Finding cheap online auto insurance company could be an almost impossible task. Especially if you don't know anything when it comes to car insurance. Therefore it is very important to have actual knowledge on the subject. Wish to get best rates? Learn what you are buying.

There are now thousands of auto insurance companies to choose from, so it can be hard trying to find the best one for you. The internet has so many different options, you may find it a bit overwhelming. That being that, finding the company that suits you may not be quite as difficult if you do your research.

Getting quotes from different companies is the first step in the right direction. It is also one more source of information to help you choose what you, yourself can afford and what is right for you. Quotes are easy to get from the comfort or your home, on the internet and absolutely free. When you are filling out forms for your auto insurance, always try to to send the correct information because this is what the quotes you are offered depend on. Factors that impact your auto indemnity policy include: Your age, sex, address, driving record and credit score.

When you have obtaianed quotes from no fewer than three companies, start comparing the quotes of each policy and what exactly each of them covers. When dealing with an auto insurance company, whether it be for commercial car coverage or for private auto coverage, make sure that particular company answers your questions and able to respond to claims promptly. Always consider the company's financial situation and it may be best to make sure there are not too many complaints about their service on the complaints page.

Most people make a mistake signing before reading. It is greatly important when you deal with auto insurance to make certain that you are dealing with the right company. In the same aspect, it is significantly more important to ensure that the coverage that you are receiving is the coverage that you signed up for. When filing a claim, you surely don't want a surprise. Read the policy, maybe even twice, before signing it. You must be absolutely sure the policy that you accept it what you need and that it is providing the coverage needed.
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Mark Jokrberg : Inventor of Facebook

The story of the inventor of Facebook

Mark Jokrberg

When he sat down in front of Mark Jokrberg computer screen in his room housing students in American universities, Harvard University, and began designing a new website on the Internet, he has a clear goal, a website design combines his colleagues at the university and enable them to exchange their news and pictures and opinions.

Did not think Jokrberg, who was renowned for his fondness among students Serious Internet, traditionally. For example, did not seek to establish a commercial site to attract ads, or to publish news or university .. Simply thought to facilitate the process of communication between university students on the basis that such communication, if successful, would have a sweeping popular.

Jokrberg achieved rapid success in a short time

Jokrberg and fired his "Facebook" in 2004, and was what he wanted

Soon the site was popular among students of Harvard University, and has gained wide popularity among them, which encouraged him to expand the base of the right to gain access to the site to include students of other universities or students of secondary schools are seeking to identify the university life.

Continued site "Facebook" is limited to university students and secondary schools for two years. Jokrberg then decided to make one more step forward, namely, that opens the doors of its location in front of all those who wish to use, and the result was a surge in the number of users of the site, rising from 12 million users in the month of December of last year to more than 40 million userscurrently, and hopes to reach number 50 million users by the end of 2007.

At the same time, also decided to open the doors of the site in front of programmers to provide new services to visitors, and enter into contracts with advertisers seeking to take advantage of the broad mass base.

It was natural to draw the rapid success achieved by the site the attention of workers in the information industry, on the one hand, it became clear that the market for social networking online is growing tremendously, and fills an important need of Internet users in particular young people. On the other hand succeeded site "Facebook" in this area significantly.

The result was that Jokrberg received an offer for the purchase of its one billion dollars last year.
Billion dollars is not enough! But Jokrberg, aged 23, was just surprised many around him to refuse the offer.

Site Facebook is used by more than 40 million people currently

Many had predicted that the regret at the rejection, especially that it came after only one year of the company "Uzcorpurishn", owned by Australian billionaire Rupert Murdoch, bought the site "MySpace", a site of social relations, the amount of $ 580 million.

The reason for the refusal to offer Jokrberg attributable to that he saw that the value of its network are much higher than the amount offered. As he said in an interview with the British Financial Times newspaper, he "probably did not appreciate the value of many of the network that we have built what they deserve." He added that the

The communication process between people of great importance, and "If we can improve them a bit of a large number of people, it will have a huge economic impact to the whole world."

And proved the reality of the case he was right in rejecting this offer. The newspaper said "Wall Street Journal", the most prominent newspapers, the U.S. economic, Monday that Microsoft Corp. is seeking to purchase 5% of the value of "Facebook" with a value of $ 300 to $ 500 million, it

Which means that the value of Facebook "total amount of up to six to ten billion.

It is said that Microsoft's monopoly on online advertising network on Facebook at the moment.

Dreams and problems in front of Jokrberg many projects, for example, he wants to continue the growth in users of the network to double the number of

Users every six months, and wants to provide more interactive services in the network "Facebook", though Jokrberg generally prefer not to talk about long-term plans.

But the road is not easy. There is fierce competition from several sites of social relations, including the web site "MySpace", which will be the number of users more than 200 million people, is the largest network of social relations in the world.

There are also reports that the Facebook development system that allows advertisers to use the information provided by users of the network themselves, which, as Zuckerberg denies that such a system raises questions about the privacy enjoyed by Internet users.

In addition, he drew New York Attorney General on Monday, September 24 to subpoena officials of the "Facebook," he said in a letter to the network that an initial examination had revealed shortcomings in the protection enjoyed by Internet users, especially small-scale

Age. He has one of the investigators posing as a young man and entered the site of the network was subjected to sexual misconduct by some users.

He also said Attorney General Richard Blumenthal Konicttikit told the Reuters news agency that his office found three of those convicted of sexual offenses within the network users of Facebook, and on the network to do a lot of steps before he felt satisfied with the end towards the full recipe.

For its part, the network confirmed it is keen to do everything possible to protect its users.
On the path of Bill Gates? Seems clear similarities between Bill Gates and Marc Berg Joker. Both men began work in the information industry in

Early twenties, and both became millionaires in their twenties, too, and both had a vision of success and resulted in a change in the information market has benefited millions of people in the world.

مارك جوكربيرج : مختــــرع الفيــــس بوكـ

مارك جوكربيرج 

عندما جلس مارك جوكربيرج امام شاشة الكمبيوتر في حجرته بمساكن الطلبة في جامعة هارفارد الامريكية العريقة، وبدأ يصمم موقعا جديدا على شبكة الانترنت، كان لديه هدف واضح، وهو تصميم موقع يجمع زملاءه في الجامعة ويمكنهم من تبادل اخبارهم وصورهم وآرائهم.

لم يفكر جوكربيرج، الذي كان مشهورا بين الطلبة بولعه الشديد بالانترنت، بشكل تقليدي. مثلا لم يسع الى انشاء موقع تجاري يجتذب الاعلانات، او الى نشر اخبار الجامعة او .. ببساطة فكر في تسهيل عملية التواصل بين طلبة الجامعة على اساس ان مثل هذا التواصل، اذا تم بنجاح، سيكون له شعبية جارفة.
جوكربيرج حقق نجاحا سريعا في وقت قصير
واطلق جوكربيرج موقعه "فيس بوك" في عام 2004، وكان له ما اراد.
فسرعان ما لقي الموقع رواجا بين طلبة جامعة هافارد، واكتسب شعبية واسعة بينهم، الامر الذي شجعه على توسيع قاعدة من يحق لهم الدخول الى الموقع لتشمل طلبة جامعات اخرى او طلبة مدارس ثانوية يسعون الى التعرف على الحياة الجامعية.

واستمر موقع "فيس بوك" قاصرا على طلبة الجامعات والمدارس الثانوية لمدة سنتين. ثم قرر جوكربيرج ان يخطو خطوة اخرى للامام، وهي ان يفتح ابواب موقعه امام كل من يرغب في استخدامه، وكانت النتيجة طفرة في عدد مستخدمي الموقع، اذ ارتفع من 12 مليون مستخدم في شهر ديسمبر/كانون الاول من العام الماضي الى اكثر من 40 مليون مستخدم حاليا، ويأمل ان يبلغ العدد 50 مليون مستخدم بنهاية عام 2007.

وفي نفس الوقت قرر ايضا ان يفتح ابواب الموقع امام المبرمجين ليقدموا خدمات جديدة لزواره، وان يدخل في تعاقدات مع معلنين يسعون للاستفادة من قاعدته الجماهيرية الواسعة.

وكان من الطبيعي ان يلفت النجاح السريع الذي حققه الموقع انظار العاملين في صناعة المعلومات، فمن ناحية بات واضحا ان سوق شبكات التواصل الاجتماعي عبر الانترنت ينمو بشكل هائل، ويسد احتياجا هاما لدى مستخدمي الانترنت خاصة من صغار السن. ومن ناحية اخرى نجح موقع "فيس بوك" في هذا المجال بشكل كبير.

وكانت النتيجة ان تلقى جوكربيرج عرضا لشراء موقعه بمبلغ مليار دولار العام الماضي مليار دولار لا تكفي! الا ان جوكربيرج، وعمره 23 عاما، فقط فاجأ كثيرين من حوله برفض العرض.
موقع فيس بوك يستخدمه اكثر من 40 مليون فرد حاليا.


وتوقع كثيرون ان يندم على هذا الرفض، خاصة وانه جاء بعد عام واحد فقط من قيام شركة "نيوزكوربوريشن"، التي يمتلكها المليونير الاسترالي روبرت ميردوخ، بشراء موقع "ماي سبيس"، وهو موقع للعلاقات الاجتماعية، بمبلغ 580 مليون دولار.

اما سبب رفض جوكربيرج لهذا العرض فيرجع الى انه رأى ان قيمة شبكته اعلى كثيرا من المبلغ المعروض. وحسبما قال في مقابلة مع صحيفة فاينانشيال تايمز البريطانية فانه "ربما لم يقدر كثيرون قيمة الشبكة التي بنيناها بما تستحق". واضاف ان
عملية الاتصال بين الناس ذات اهمية بالغة، و"اذا استطعنا ان نحسنها قليلا لعدد كبير من الناس فان هذا سيكون له اثر اقتصادي هائل على العالم كله".
واثبت واقع الحال انه كان محقا في رفضه هذا العرض. فقد قالت صحيفة "وول ستريت جورنال"، ابرز الصحف الاقتصادية الامريكية، الاثنين ان شركة ميكروسوفت تسعى لشراء 5% من قيمة "فيس بوك" بقيمة من 300 الى 500 مليون دولار، الامر
الذي يعني ان قيمة فيس بوك" الكلية تصل الى مبلغ من ستة الى عشرة مليارات.
يشار الى ان شركة ميكروسوفت تحتكر اعلانات الانترنت على شبكة فيس بوك في الوقت الراهن.
احلام ومشكلات امام جوكربيرج مشروعات كثيرة، فهو مثلا يريد ان يستمر النمو في مستخدمي الشبكة بحيث يتضاعف عدد
المستخدمين كل ستة اشهر، ويريد تقديم المزيد من الخدمات التفاعلية في شبكة "فيس بوك"، وان كان جوكربيرج لا يفضل عموما الحديث عن خططه طويلة الاجل.
الا ان الطريق ليس سهلا. هناك منافسة شرسة من عدة مواقع للعلاقات الاجتماعية، ابرزها موقع "ماي سبيس" الذي سيبلغ عدد مستخدميه اكثر من 200 مليون فرد، ويعد اكبر شبكة للعلاقات الاجتماعية في العالم.

هناك ايضا تقارير تحدثت عن قيام فيس بوك بتطوير نظام يسمح للمعلنين باستخدام المعلومات التي يقدمها مستخدمو الشبكة عن انفسهم، وهو ما ينفيه زوكربرج اذ ان مثل هذا النظام يثير تساؤلات عن مدى الخصوصية التي يتمتع بها مستخدمو الشبكة.

بالاضافة الى ذلك فقد وجه المدعي العام في نيويورك يوم الاثنين 24 سبتمبر/ايلول مذكرة استدعاء لمسؤولين في "فيس بوك"، وقال في خطاب للشبكة ان فحصا اوليا اوضح وجود اوجه قصور في الحماية التي يتمتع بها مستخدمو الشبكة، خاصة صغار
السن. وقد قام احد المحققين بالتظاهر بانه شاب صغير السن ودخل على موقع للشبكة فتعرض لملاحقة جنسية من قبل بعض المستخدمين.

كما قال المدعي العام لولاية كونيكتتيكيت ريتشارد بلومينثال لوكالة رويترز للانباء ان مكتبه وجد ثلاثة من المدانين بجرائم جنسية ضمن شبكة مستخدمي فيس بوك، وان على الشبكة القيام بالكثير من الخطوات قبل ان يشعر بالرضى الكامل تجاهها على حد وصفه.
ومن جانبها تؤكد الشبكة انها حريصة على القيام بكل ما هو ممكن لحماية مستخدميها على طريق بيل جيتس؟ يبدو التشابه واضحا بين بيل جيتس ومارك جوكر بيرج. كلا الرجلين بدأ العمل في صناعة المعلومات في
بداية العشرينات من العمر، وكلاهما اصبح من اصحاب الملايين في العشرينات ايضا، وكلاهما صاحب رؤية اثمرت نجاحا وتغييرا في سوق المعلومات استفاد منه الملايين في العالم.

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iPod touch : FaceTime comes to iPod touch

Don't just say hello. SMILE
Video calling is in full effect on iPod touch. Now your friends can see what you’re up to, when you’re up to it. With the tap of a button, you can wave "hi" while standing in a foreign country, get a second opinion on a pair of boots, or have your friends bear witness to the everyday pranks, bets, and dares they otherwise might have missed — new iPod touch to new iPod touch or iPhone 4 over Wi-Fi. And come face to face with even more fun.

Tap for a more instant, instant message.

Take “LOL” to the next level and actually see friends laughing. Or bring “XOXO” to life when you blow someone a kiss from miles away. FaceTime on iPod touch makes it possible. FaceTime works right out of the box — just enter your Apple ID and email address. Or create a new email account just for FaceTime. Using FaceTime is as easy as it gets. Say you want to start a video call with your best friend over Wi-Fi. Just tap the FaceTime app and find her entry to start the call. An invitation pops up on her iPod touch or iPhone 4 screen asking if she wants to join you. When she accepts, FaceTime begins. It’s all perfectly seamless. And it works in both portrait and landscape. See how much fun you can have.

Two cameras make either side its fun side.

iPod touch has two built-in cameras, one on the front above the display and one on the back. The front camera has been tuned for FaceTime. It has just the right field of view and focal length to focus on your face at arm’s length. So it always presents you in the best possible light. Which is particularly handy when you’re talking to someone who’s more than just a friend.

The back camera. See and share.

So your roommate had to work late and couldn’t make it to the concert. You can share the encore with a FaceTime call. As the band takes the stage and starts playing one of her all-time favorite songs, just tap a button. And before the lead singer can belt out his first note, iPod touch switches to the back camera and to the sure-to-be-legendary performance. Another tap switches to the front camera and to you. Simple, fast, and fun.

Julian Osanj founder of Wikileaks

Julian Osanj founder of Wikileaks 

Julian Osanj 

                                                Picture of Julian Osangii in Norway, March 2010 

Julian Osanj (1971, Townsville, Queensland) is a journalist and activist in the Internet and an Australian programmer, known for his participation in the site Wikileaks. Received an award from Amnesty International in 2009. 
Osang was born, with the 39-year-old in the town of Townsville, in Queensland, northern Australia, to parents who work in the entertainment industry, because of the way of life and troubled mother, reports say that he traveled from his home about 35 times before reaching the age of 14 years. 
And Osang'm separated him from since 2007, and is fond of science, mathematics, computer, and was convicted of computer hacking in 1995, said he had called himself "Mendaks," when he committed these offenses and continued to hound the man to computers until the late nineties, where he worked on the development of encryption systems, and in 1999 scored his first Osang "Lex dot com," and remained its pages is not active. 
In 2006, he founded the Osang site "Wikileaks," which claims that "aims to disseminate news and information important to the public" through the dissemination of confidential documents, especially about the American war in Afghanistan and Iraq. 
And accept the site is not-for-profit "Ikarriet from different sources," There is a review committee to review what are the documents and decide publishing or not, According to Osang told the "Sydney Morning Herald," the site has issued more than a million and a confidential document, a figure much more thanpublished by the press around the world. 
According to the man, this is something shameful, that the able team of five people to reveal to the world all that information that failed to international press on the detection of a quarter over the decades. 
It has become the website, one of the most important locations visited by those researchers looking for new ways to view the confidential information to the public, rather than the traditional method. 
The web site has great interest in last April, after publishing a report showing a video of a U.S. helicopter attacked a group of Iraqi civilians and kill them, and it was, including two journalists working for the Reuters news agency. 

On the list of most wanted 

Listed by the International Police, "Interpol" on the list of most wanted by the international police organization, at the request of the Swedish court to consider the nationality of the alleged crimes. 
The Criminal Court of Stockholm has issued an international arrest warrant to "probable cause" under the pretext that a suspect in the crimes of rape, sexual harassment and unlawful use of force in the events that occurred in August 


British Sky said today, 7 December of 2010 he was arrested the founder of the site and Julian Osanj Wikileaks, which was confirmed by British police at the same time. 
The British Guardian newspaper quoted sources who preferred not to disclose the identity of the Australian 39-year-old will discuss the issue of temporary liberty on bail. The guarantee of up to between 100 and 200 000 pounds (160 and 320 thousand dollars). In addition, you must submit six persons to be ensured. 
But the Under Osanj Lawyer Mark Stevens refused to confirm the reported "The Guardian", saying "not the most complex of any agreement with the police so far." 
The Stevens said the "BBC" that "late in the day yesterday I received a call from police informing me that it had received a request to migrate from Sweden." "The demand is for questioning Julian Osanj. And is not accused of any charge.""We're planning to meet with the police on a voluntary basis in order to facilitate this demand" (the elimination of Sweden). 
British police received an international arrest warrant issued by the new Swedish right of the judiciary Osanj, after Sweden passed a note to his arrest on charges of "rape and sexual assault" against two women in August. 
The lawyer, Stevens confirmed that he will address any attempt to deport his client. He expressed concern of his client's deportation to the United States after his arrest and extradition to the Swedish police, pointed to "hostile statements issued by the United States" against his client. 
And threaten the United States pursued Julian Osanj response to the publication site Wikileaks secret U.S. diplomatic notes raised embarrassing for the United States and many countries.

The Best Of the Best: جوليان أسانج مؤسس موقع ويكيليكس

The Best Of the Best: جوليان أسانج مؤسس موقع ويكيليكس: "جوليان أسانج &nbsp..."

جوليان أسانج مؤسس موقع ويكيليكس

جوليان أسانج

                                                صورة لجوليان أسانغي في النرويج، مارس 2010
جوليان أسانج (1971، تاونسفيل، كوينزلاند) هو صحفي وناشط في الإنترنت ومبرمج استرالي، معروف بمشاركته في موقع ويكيليكس. حصل على جائزة من منظمة العفو الدولية في 2009.
ولد أسانغ، ذو الـ39 عاما في بلدة تاونسفيل، في كوينزلاند شمال أستراليا، لأبوين عملا في صناعة الترفيه، وبسبب أسلوب حياة والدته المضطربة، تقول تقارير إنه ارتحل عن منزله نحو 35 مرة قبل أن يبلغ عمره 14 عاما.
ولأسانغ ابن انفصل عنه من منذ عام 2007، وهو مولع بالعلوم والرياضيات والكمبيوتر، وأدين بتهمة قرصنة الكمبيوتر في عام 1995، ويقال إنه كان يسمي نفسه "مينداكس،" عندما ارتكب تلك المخالفات واستمر ولع الرجل بأجهزة الكمبيوتر حتى أواخر عقد التسعينيات، حيث عمل على تطوير نظم التشفير، وفي عام 1999 سجل أسانغ موقعه الأول "ليكس دوت كوم،" وبقيت صفحاته غير مفعلة.
وفي عام 2006، أسس أسانغ موقع "ويكيليكس،" والذي يزعم أنه "يهدف إلى نشر الأخبار والمعلومات المهمة إلى الجمهور" من خلال نشر وثائق سرية، لا سيما حول الحرب الأمريكية في أفغانستان والعراق.
ويقبل الموقع غير الهادف للربح "إخباريات من مصادر مختلفة،" وهناك لجنة مراجعة تستعرض ما يرد من وثائق وتقرر النشر من عدمه، ووفقا لما قاله أسانغ لصحيفة "سيدني مورنينغ هيرالد،" فإن الموقع أصدر أكثر من مليون وثيقة سرية، وهو رقم أكثر بكثير مما نشرته الصحافة حول العالم.
ووفقا للرجل فإن ذلك شيء مخز، وهو أن يتمكن فريق من خمسة أشخاص من أن يكشف للعالم كل تلك المعلومات التي عجزت الصحافة العالمية عن كشف ربعها على مدار عشرات السنين.
وقد أصبح الموقع الإلكتروني، أحد أهم المواقع التي يزورها أولئك الباحثون عن طرق جديدة لعرض المعلومات السرية أمام العامة، عوضا عن الأسلوب التقليدي.
وقد حظي الموقع باهتمام كبير في أبريل/ نيسان الماضي، بعد نشره تقريرا مصورا يظهر طائرة هليكوبتر أمريكية وهي تهاجم مجموعة من العراقيين المدنيين وتقتلهم، وكان من بينهم صحفيان يعملان في وكالة رويترز للأنباء.

على لائحة أكثر المطلوبين

ادرجته الشرطة الدولية "الإنتربول" على لائحة أكثر المطلوبين لدى منظمة الشرطة الدولية، بناء على طلب من محكمة سويدية تنظر في جرائم جنسية مزعومة.
وكانت محكمة ستوكهولم الجنائية قد أصدرت مذكرة اعتقال دولية بـ"سبب محتمل" بدعوى أنه مشتبه به في جرائم اغتصاب، وتحرش جنسي والاستخدام غير المشروع للقوة في وقائع حدثت في أغسطس/آب 


قالت محطة سكاي البريطانية اليوم 7 كانون اول من عام 2010 إنه تم اعتقال مؤسس موقع ويكيليكس جوليان أسانج، الأمر الذي أكدته الشرطة البريطانية في الوقت ذاته.
وكانت صحيفة الجارديان البريطانية نقلت عن مصادر فضلت عدم الكشف عن هويتها أن الأسترالي البالغ من العمر 39 عاماً سيبحث مسألة حريته المؤقتة بكفالة. وقد تصل الكفالة إلى ما بين 100 و200 الف استرليني (160 و320 الف دولار). وبالإضافة إلى ذلك يجب أن يتقدم ستة أشخاص لكفالته.
لكن وكيل أسانج المحامي مارك ستيفنس رفض تأكيد ما أوردته "الغارديان"، قائلاً "لم أعقد أي اتفاق مع الشرطة حتى الآن".
وكان ستيفنس قال لـ"بي بي سي" إنه "في وقت متأخر من نهار أمس تلقيت اتصالاً من الشرطة تبلغني فيه أنها تلقت طلب ترحيل من السويد". وأضاف أن "الطلب هو لاستجواب جوليان أسانج. وهو غير متهم بأي تهمة". وتابع "نحن بصدد تنظيم لقاء مع الشرطة على أساس طوعي من أجل تسهيل هذا الطلب" (من القضاء السويدي).
وتلقت الشرطة البريطانية مذكرة توقيف دولية جديدة صادرة عن القضاء السويدي بحق أسانج، بعدما أصدرت السويد مذكرة لتوقيفه بتهمة "اغتصاب واعتداء جنسي" بحق امرأتين في أغسطس/آب الماضي.
وكان المحامي ستيفنس أكد أنه سيتصدى لكل محاولة لترحيل موكله. وأعرب عن خشيته من ترحيل موكله إلى الولايات المتحدة بعد توقيفه وتسليمه إلى الشرطة السويدية، مشيرا إلى "التصريحات العدائية التي تصدر من الولايات المتحدة" ضد موكله.
وتهدد الولايات المتحدة بملاحقة جوليان أسانج ردا على نشر موقع ويكيليكس مذكرات دبلوماسية أمريكية سرية أثارت حرجاً للولايات المتحدة والعديد من الدول.